Academic Definitions
Course Definition
A course is an academic unit that takes place over a semester or other period of time for academic credit. A course is made up of multiple classes, usually meeting weekly. For example, students take a Personal Finance course during the Fall semester.
Class Definition
A class is a single meeting time of a course. For example, a class is scheduled on Tuesday from 1pm to 2:15pm.
Absence Definition
Any student who is not present for 20 minutes or more of class time for any one class shall be considered absent. An absence is considered excused in the following circumstances:
Personal illness of the student with official written verification.
Court appearances with official written verification.
Medical/Dental appointments with official written verification. (Students are urged to schedule medical or dental appointments after school hours. When this is not possible, the appointment should be scheduled so that the student will not miss the same class(es) repeatedly.)
Death or serious illness in the immediate or extended family. (Official written verification may be required.)
Other circumstances, as approved by the course instructor.
Official written verification includes:
Signed doctor, dentist, court, or legal documents identifying the office and/or name of the professional who provided the service.
Other verification, as approved by the course instructor.
Any absence not considered excused will be counted as unexcused.
Tardy Definition
A student will be considered tardy when they are more than 5 minutes late to class. Two (2) tardies will equal one absence.